1. Mission of Fuefuki High School as a Prefectural High School

We are a community-based, integrated high school offering a general course, integrated course, and the only high school in the Kyoutou area which offers an agricultural course.
We foster students who are independent learners who will go on to be productive and informed citizens and leaders in their local communities.


2. Fuefuki High School Policies

In order to achieve the school’s mission, we will provide education and adhere to the following 3 policies (numbers 3 to 5 on this list) which are based on our school’s motto “Responsibility and Trust”.


3. Graduation Policy (Policy related to the qualities and abilities we nurture)

●We nurture students who will live in and contribute to the local community.


●We nurture students who believe in their own potential, are willing to take on new challenges, have a big hearts.


●We nurture independent, capable students who embrace their individuality and face their future with confidence.


●We nurture students who have the following:
A basic ability to learn.
The ability to expand their learning further.
The ability to think and act for themselves.


●Fuefuki High School Graduation Policy key skills encompasses in the following key skills:
The ability to understand information.
The ability to absorb information.
The ability to keep going/have endurance.
The ability to think.
The ability to make good choices.
The ability to express oneself/have linguistic ability.
A willingness to take action.
A willingness to participate.


4. Curriculum Policy (Policy related to curriculum design and implementation)

●We believe that having strong links and collaboration with Fuefuki City brings great benefit to our school. We will continue to be a school embedded in the local community.


●We are a comprehensive high school consisting of 4 academic departments:
General Course Department
Food Science Department
Fruit Horticulture Course Department
Integrated Course Department


Taking advantage of each of the department’s specific characteristics, we have designed a curriculum to suit the various interests of students and their needs with regard to their future.
The curriculum provides a practical education aimed at laying out a career path for students.


5. Admission Policy (Policy related to the acceptance of new students)

It is clear that in applying to this school, students wish to build on the studies they completed and the lifestyle habits they learnt in Junior High School. They should have a strong desire to work persistently on everything and understand fully our school’s educational policies.
New students should choose which course to take based on the following:


General Course – This is for those wishing to go on to university or other kind of higher education. Students must be proactive in taking on challenges to prepare themselves for their future.
Food Science Course – This is for those who have a strong interest in food science and wish to make use of a knowledge of it in their future.
Fruit Horticulture Course – This is for those who have a strong interest in fruit trees and horticulture, and hope to work in this industry in the future.
Integrated Course – This is for those who are capable of looking at a wide variety of available subjects, choosing the ones which they want to study, and proactively forging ahead with their studies.




第3回 マナーアップ運動


すいれき太鼓部 令和7年度 定期演奏会について(お知らせ)


「図書館通信」 vol.19


農業クラブ プロジェクト校内大会



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