
令和6年度 農業クラブ山梨県連盟プロジェクト発表大会


清掃奉仕活動 2年生


「図書館通信」 vol.21

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I am delighted to welcome you to Fuefuki Prefectural High School.
Our school is located in Isawa-Cho, Fuefuki City, east of the Kofu basin, between the Kanegawa River, which
originates in the Misaka mountains, and the Fuefuki River, which originates in the Chichibu mountains.
We are a comprehensive high school. Each of the three or two years/grades consists of three General Course classes, one Food Science Course class, one Fruit Horticulture Course class and three Integrated Course classes.
Our school’s origins date back over 120 years to the Yamanashi Sericulture Driving School, which opened in 1887.
Over the years, the school has adapted and changed in order to meet the changing needs of the community. It has changed its name, established a branch school, separated into two schools, and finally reintegrated as one school. Successive generations of our students have gone on to play important and active roles in the local area and region.
As we continue that spirit and tradition from the past, our focus is on educating for the present time and the future to open up career paths for our students and create a better community.
Our students excel and work hard in order to fulfill their potential, whether that may be in the form of studying for university entrance examinations, or working towards a career. In recent years, some of our students have gone on to become wine experts, exporters of locally grown Shine Muscat grapes to Taiwan, and foreign language specialists working in the tourism industry.
As educators, we will strive to do everything we can so that every one of our students can develop the skill of being able to study independently. (Self-study)
Furthermore, we value all our students and hope that each and every one of them will shine and reach their full potential.
We value our good reputation in the community and the trust that the community has placed in us.
As educators and staff of this school, we vow to work together and do our best to ensure that we continue to be worthy of this.
To our students’ parents and families, members of the local community and others, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation for your continued support and cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Shiho Hirose
Head Teacher, Fuefuki Prefectural High School
1st April, 2024